24,25,26 January | Muestras Acento. La Casa Encendida & CA2M. Madrid, Spain
2,3,4 February | Quarter Block Party. Cork, Ireland.
Oct-Dec |La Casa Encendida & CA2M| Artist In Residency Program. Madrid, Spain.
20 June | Ciclo Solsticio. Conde Duque Cultural Center. Madrid, Spain.
May | Decoratelier. Brussels, Belgium
2,3,4 February | Quarter Block Party. Cork, Ireland.
14 September | Teatro Leal. LEAL.LAV. Tenerife, Spain.
1 August | Performance Art Fórum. St. Erme, France.
13, 14, 15 June | Bottelarij Bellevue Building. Brussels, Belgium.
Guided Tour
‘Guided Tour’ is a study of space thinking, a performative tool which aims to make one think/name/inhabit/move space from within the body, in order to affect and be affected by the bodies/ objects/ limits/ dimensions/ stories/ speeches and rules shaping (or forming) it.
The project Guided Tour is a performace based on research whose aim is to explore the different spaces that appear when we relate them to architecture and to the context we inhabit. The term and the format of a Guided tour are used in order to perform a spatial trajectory inside a building. In a guided tour there is usually one person, the guide, who has some knowledge on a site/building and its history. This person guides “visitors” who ask from him&her information about the place. During the last years tourism has increased dramatically, thus producing a reality of consumption of the public and private space. The project Guided Tour is interested in a reflection on this phenomenon. It seeks to generate gaps in this consumption of spaces. It asks if we can become, not merely visitors, but inhabitants of a particular place.
Web: guidedtour
Creation: Esther Rodriguez-Barbero
Accomplices &/or story generators: Zoumana, Moustafa, Montse, Javier, Stevie
Artistic advice: Edurne Rubio, Lilia Mestre, Veridiana Zurita, Kobe Mattys, Caroline Godard
Supported by:
a.pass (advanced performance & scenography studies)
Acción Cultural Española AC/E
Quarter Block Party Cork/ Makeshift Ensemble
Artists in Residency Program. La Casa Encendida y CA2M
Comunidad de Madrid