The construction is a performative- interactive proposal for two performers, 16 boxes and a device. A performance about what we build, about the products of the excess and the persistance of attempting. Persisting in attempting is, in these times of foamig structure, an act of courage. At the end of the performance, when the lights are switched on, we can play the game of building our city all together.
The construction is part of a series of pieces that research the connection between architecture, body and technology through the building process. This piece consists of two parts: a performative one with two performers and an interactive one which includes audiovisuals and the audience’s participation.
Choreografic practice focuses on assembling and dismantling. The body keeps busy by doing and undoing. The tools are: action scores, stating and remembering, dialogue with objects and their nature, dialogue between the performers, the construction-deconstruction of the body and the opening of abstract spaces to becompleted by the audience’s imagination.
The installation remains as a landscape of boxes. The audience are invited to walk through them. The boxes are also used as a screen for a video projection. The projection is a streaming video recorded and shown in real time with a five- second delay. As they walk, they interact with the images projected. A playful atmosphere is created where people discuss the displacement and move within the device.
The Construction
Performers _Janet Parra y Esther Rodríguez-Barbero
Artistic assistance_Maite Larrañeta, Mar López,
Coproduced by _DT Espacio Escénico

Directed and performed by: Esther Rodríguez- Barbero
Tutors: Idoia Zabaleta/ Rosa Casado/ Rafael Lamata/ Jaime Villaure/ Victoria Pérez Royo
Technical assistance: Israel Leon
Operator: Elisa Arteta
Length: 30
Special thanks: Israel León, Paula Cueto, Camilla Téllez, Luisa Castro, Ignacio de Antonio, Jesús Rubio, Carmen Senra
Supported by: MPECV, Matadero Madrid, La Casa Encendida, Azala Espacio de Creación
4 July Matadero. El taller. Madrid
12 July. Facultad de Bellas Artes de Cuenca. Cuenca, Spain
March. AZALA. Residency. Vitoria.
´I´m interested in capturing the movement and its possible history just a moment before it dissapears,
the idea of becoming the spectator of my own traces.’ Interview with Olga Mesa
A woman is trying to see where she was five seconds ago; trying to trace her movements, her every step. The story changes every five seconds. How many movements can she fit into five seconds? What is the longest step she can take before being filmed again? Where willshe be in the next shot?
Creation composed by a performance and an installation that is part of the series `Dwelling a place’
I N S T A L L A T I O N ' Crowded Sofa'
The performer invites guests to sit on a sofa and talk to her while pictures of them are being taken and projected at the same time.
This project is the result of collaborative process research on dwelling a place. For over a year, practice proposals were developed to study the connection between body, spaceand presence. Those were framed by establishing a connection between performance and audiovisual language. The presentation highlighted the idea of an event, which ultimately underlines the simple fact that we gather in a place to share and to build. We share and produce objects, emotions and knowledge, all of which is input that makes us move from one place to another. The purpose of the action was to build a device that revealed the connection between those movements. During the time that the action lasted, people moved, placed themselves in a specific place,defined their position and moved again.
All the practices are collected at: http://estherrbg.wix.com/habitarunespacio
Essay (SP):http://issuu.com/estherrodriguezbarbero/docs/la_construcci__n_de_hace_tan_s__lo_
Just a moment before
June 2014. Premio Especial Residencia y Programación. 'III Certamen de Microdanza' ECSA Conservatorio Superior Danza.
June 2014. Crowded Sofa. Installation. La Neomudéjar de Atocha.Madrid. Punto Zero Project 'Shahar Dhor'IVAHM VideoArt Festival.
May 2014. International day of Museums. Laboratorio de las Artes de Valladolid LAVA.