Certamen Coreografico Madrid 2020. Compañia invitada. Foto: Juan Carlos Arevalo
Certamen Coreografico Madrid 2020. Compañia invitada. Foto: Juan Carlos Arevalo
We Can Dance is an act of celebration; it’s an accompanied solo; or rather, an invitation to dance; or even, perhaps, also a disco. This piece moves between what’s possible and what’s forbidden by means of the laws that regulate or ban the act of dancing in different places, in order to question where personal and external limits lie.
It begins at that first step we take just before we start dancing. Once you start, it’s hard to stop, you start moving, get into that disco groove. At what point does movement become dance? What happens when it occurs in places where it’s forbidden?
A staged game constructed from the cogs represented by three bodies on stage: the dj body, the lighting body, and the dancing body.
Artistic & Technical data
Creation & Performance : Esther Rodriguez-Barbero
DJ Laura Ramírez
Lighting: Víctor Colmenero Mir /Cristina Bolívar
Photo: Ángela Losa, J.C. Arévalo, Alessia Bombaci, Santi Periel
Supported by:
Antic Teatre
LEAL.LAV. Laboratorio de Artes en Vivo (Teatro Leal, La Laguna)
Centro de Danza Canal
La Caldera Barcelona
L'estruch. Fábrica de creación de artes en vivo. Sabadell.
Certámen Coreográfico de Madrid
a.pass research center (Bruselas)
Comunidad de Madrid.
Duration: 50’
Thanks for advice, shared histories & practical help:
Vitaly Franco, Óscar Dasí, Marialena Marouda, Xiri Noir, Lilia Mestre, Shervin Kiarnesi, Pablo Sacristán, Javier Cuevas, Adán Hernández, Laura Kumin .
December | Museo Regina. Pista de Baile. Cordoba Spain
November | Festival Reclam. Castellón. Spain
October | Escena Móstoles. Teatro del Bosque. Móstoles. Spain
June | Festival Kaldearte. Vitoria. Spain
September-January | Madrid desde el baile. CentroCentro. Video
April | Teatro Pradillo. Madrid. Spain
December | Certámen Coreográfico de Madrid. Spain
November | Fundació Suñol. Barcelona, Spain
October | Antic Teatre. Barcelona, Spain.
February | L'estruch. Sabadell, Spain.
July, October | Centro Danza Canal | Resident Company. Madrid, Spain.
September | La Caldera. Barcelona, Spain.
4-14 September | Leal Theater. Leal.Lav. Tenerife, Spain.
29 September | TNT Festival Nuevas Tendencias. Caravana de Trailers. Terrasa. Barcelona.
30 November-3 December | 30 Certámen Coreográfico de Madrid. Me Myself & I Solos en estado de germen. Madrid, Spain.
RTVE Si no puedo bailar... WE CAN DANCE
TEATRON. Unknown Pleasures Blog
Alrededores de la danza. La Opinión de Tenerife